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χήρα πτωχή

  • 1 πτωχός

    πτωχός, ή, όν, also ός, όν A.Ag. 1274, S.OC 444, 751:—
    A beggar, Od. 14.400, 18.1, Hdt.3.14, etc.;

    πρὸς γὰρ Διός εἰσιν ἅπαντες ξεῖνοί τε πτωχοί τε Od.6.208

    , cf. 17.475;

    πτωχὸς πτωχῷ φθονέει Hes.Op.26


    π. ἀνὴρ ἀλαλήμενος ἐλθών Od.21.327


    π. καὶ ἀλήμονες ἄνδρες 19.74


    πτωχοὺς ἀλᾶσθαι E.Med. 515


    πτωχοῦ βίος ζῆν ἐστιν μηδὲν ἔχοντα, τοῦ δὲ πένητος ζῆν φειδόμενον Ar.Pl. 552

    : prov.,

    πτωχοῦ πήρη οὐ πίμπλαται Call.Fr. 360

    : πτωχή beggar-woman, Ath.10.453a (so πτωχός (fem.), S.OC 444);

    χήρα πτωχή Ev.Marc.12.42

    2 metaph.,

    οἱ π. τῷ πνεύματι Ev.Matt.5.3

    , cf. Ev.Luc.6.20.
    II as Adj., beggarly,

    πτωχῷ διαίτῃ S.OC 751


    π. στοιχεῖα Ep.Gal.4.9

    : c. gen., beggared of, poor in, [

    πηγὴ] π. νυμφῶν AP9.258

    2 [comp] Comp.

    πτωχότερος Timocl.6.10

    ; prov., π. κίγκλου 'as poor as a church mouse', Men.221; irreg.

    πτωχίστερος Ar.Ach. 425

    : [comp] Sup.

    πτωχότατος AP10.50

    3 Adv. - χῶς poorly, scantily,

    ἠροτρία π. μέν, ἀλλ' ἀναγκαίως Babr.55.2


    Greek-English dictionary (Αγγλικά Ελληνικά-λεξικό) > πτωχός

  • 2 πτωχός

    πτωχός, ή, όν (s. two prec. entries; Hom.+; PPetr III, 36a, 17f; 140a, 1; LXX; TestSol 10:12 C; TestJob; Test12Patr; JosAs 10:13; Philo, Hypoth. f. 1 [Eus., PE 8, 7, 6]; Joseph.; Tat. 6, 2)
    pert. to being economically disadvantaged, orig. ‘begging’ (s. πένης for a differentiation betw. the two words; note the juxtaposition in Ps 39:18; 69:6 al.), dependent on others for support, but also simply poor (as Mod. Gk. φτωχός) χήρα πτωχή Mk 12:42; cp. vs. 43; Lk 21:3. Mostly as subst. (Jos., Bell. 5, 570) opp. ὁ πλούσιος one who has more than enough (Pla., Tht. 24, 175a; Maximus Tyr. 1, 9a) Lk 6:20 (cp. vs. 24); Rv 13:16; 1 Cl 38:2; Hs 2:4.—Mt 26:11; Mk 14:7; Lk 14:13, 21; 16:20, 22; J 12:6, 8; Ro 15:26 (οἱ πτ. τῶν ἁγίων τῶν ἐν Ἰερουσαλήμ, part. gen. On the other hand πτωχοί [in the sense of 2]=ἅγιοι: KHoll, SBBerlAk 1921, 937–39 and Ltzm., exc. on Ro 15:25); 2 Cor 6:10 (in wordplay w. πλουτίζειν); Gal 2:10; Js 2:2f, 6; B 20:2; D 5:2. οἱ πτ. τῷ κόσμῳ those who are poor in the world’s estimation Js 2:5 (opp. πλούσιοι ἐν πίστει). διδόναι (τοῖς) πτ. Mt 19:21; Mk 10:21; Lk 19:8; cp. 18:22; J 13:29; D 13:4. Pass. Mt 26:9; Mk 14:5; J 12:5.
    pert. to being thrust on divine resources, poor. At times the ref. is not only to the unfavorable circumstances of these people from an economic point of view; the thought is also that since they are oppressed and disillusioned they are in special need of God’s help, and may be expected to receive it shortly (cp. Od. 6, 207f πρὸς γὰρ Διός εἰσιν ἅπαντες ξεῖνοί τε πτωχοί τε=all strangers and needy persons are wards of Zeus; LXX; HBruppacher, D. Beurteilung d. Armut im AT 1924; WSattler, D. Anawim im Zeitalter Jes. Chr.: Jülicher Festschr. 1927, 1–15; A Meyer, D. Rätsel des Jk 1930, 146ff; HBirkeland, ˓Ani u. ˓anāw in den Psalmen ’33; LMarshall, Challenge of NT Ethics ’47, 76f; KSchubert, The Dead Sea Community ’59, 85–88; 137–39; AGelin, The Poor of Yahweh, ’64; FDanker, The Literary Unity of Mk 14:1–25: JBL 85, ’66, 467–72; s. πλοῦτος 1). The gospel is preached to them (Is 61:1) Mt 11:5; Lk 4:18; 7:22; 1 Cl 52:2 (Ps 68:33); Pol 2:3 (εἶπεν ὁ κύριος διδάσκων).
    lacking in spiritual worth, fig. ext. of 1 (Tat. 6, 2 of humans ὁ μὲν πτωχός [in contrast to God]) οἱ πτωχοὶ τῷ πνεύματι Mt 5:3 (cp. 1QM 14:7 עַנְוֵי רוּחַ; s. πνεῦμα 3b and Goodsp., Probs. 16f;; EBest, NTS 7, ’60/61, 255–58; SLégasse, NTS 8, ’61/62, 336–45 (Qumran); HBraun, Qumran u. d. NT I, ’66, 13; LKeck, The Poor among the Saints in Jewish Christianity and Qumran, ZNW 57, ’66, 54–78; add. lit. Betz, SM 111). The ‘messenger’ of the church at Laodicea, who says of himself πλούσιός εἰμι καὶ πεπλούτηκα, is termed πτωχός Rv 3:17. In 1 Cl 15:6, Ps 11:6 is quoted w. ref. to the situation in the Corinthian church.
    pert. to being extremely inferior in quality, miserable, shabby (Dionys. Hal., Comp. Verb. 4 νοήματα; Iren. 2, 33, 5 [Hv I, 380, 2] of God οὐ … π. οὐδὲ ἄπορος) of the στοιχεῖα (w. ἀσθενής) Gal 4:9. Of the grace of God πτωχὴ οὐκ ἐγενήθη did not turn out to be shabby 1 Cor 15:10 v.l. (this is in keeping with the Aristotelian view that exceptional generosity produces exceptional results Aristot., EN 4, 2, 19).—JRoth, The Blind, the Lame, and the Poor etc. diss. Vanderbilt 1994. B. 782; 784. TRE IV s.v. ‘Armut’, 69–121. DELG s.v. πτήσσω III. M-M. EDNT. TW. Sv.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > πτωχός

  • 3 οὗτος

    οὗτος, αὕτη, τοῦτο (Hom.+) demonstrative pron., used as adj. and subst. On its use s. B-D-F §290 al.; W-S. §23; Rob. 697–706; Mlt-Turner 192f; cp. Schwyzer II 208–10.
    as subst., the person or thing comparatively near at hand in the discourse material, this, this one (contrast ἐκεῖνος referring to someth. comparatively farther away; cp. Lk 18:14; Js 4:15; Hm 3:5)
    α. w. ref. to someth. here and now, directing attention to it (Appian, Liby. 62 §276 οὗτος=this man here [referring to one who is present; s. Schwyzer II 208]. Cp. Pherecrates Com. 134 K. οὗτος πόθεν ἦλθες;=‘you there, where did you come from?’; cp. ὦ οὗτος οὗτος Aristoph., Vesp. 1364; TestAbr B 6 p. 110, 17 [Stone p. 68] οὗτός ἐστιν τῶν τριῶν ἀνδρῶν εἷς ‘he is one of the three men’; TestJob 30:2 οὗτός ἐστιν he’s the one) οὗτός ἐστιν ὁ υἱός μου Mt 3:17; 17:5; Mk 9:7; Lk 7:44ff; J 1:15, 30; Ac 2:15; 4:10; 2 Pt 1:17 and oft. τοῦτό ἐστιν τὸ σῶμά μου this is my body (s. εἰμί 2cα end) Mt 26:26; Mk 14:22; Lk 22:19 (ÉDelebecque, Études grecques sur l’évangile de Luc ’76, 109–21); 1 Cor 11:24. τοῦτό ἐστιν τὸ αἷμά μου Mt 26:28; Mk 14:24.—W. a connotation of contempt (Ael. Aristid. 53 p. 628 D.: ὦ οὗτος=O you poor fellow! Likew. Maximus Tyr. 37, 8d; in refutation Just., D. 39, 4; 128, 2) Lk 5:21; 7:39, 49; 15:30 (Reader, Polemo 325); 22:59; J 6:42, 52. Contexts suggest a related nuance in Mt 13:55f (JosAs 4:13 οὐχ οὗτός ἐστιν ὁ υἱὸς τοῦ ποιμένος … ;); 21:10; Mk 6:2f; J 7:15. (Other reff. Rob. 697; s. also 2a below.)—Cp. Mt 21:11; Ac 9:21.
    β. w. ref. to someth. that has immediately preceded, this one (who has just been mentioned) Lk 1:32; J 1:2; 6:71; 2 Ti 3:6, 8.—At the beginning of a narrative concerning a pers. already mentioned Mt 3:3; Lk 2:36, 37 v.l., 38 v.l.; 7:12 v.l.; 8:42 v.l.; 16:1; J 1:41; 3:2; 12:21; 21:21a; Ac 21:24; Ro 16:2 v.l.; 1 Cor 7:12 (on the interchange of αὐτή and αὕτη s. B-D-F §277, 3).—Emphasizing a pers. already mentioned this (very) one Mt 21:11; J 9:9; Ac 4:10 (ἐν τούτῳ); 9:20; 1J 5:6; 2 Pt 2:17. καὶ τοῦτον ἐσταυρωμένον and him as the crucified one 1 Cor 2:2. καὶ τούτους ἀποτρέπου avoid such people (as I have just described) 2 Ti 3:5. καὶ οὗτος this one (just mentioned) also Hb 8:3 (JosAs 7:3 καὶ αὕτη).
    γ. w. ref. to a subject more remote in the paragraph, but closer to the main referent under discussion (W-S. §23, 2; Rob. 702f) Ac 4:11; 7:19; 2J 7; Jd 7 rebellious angels vs. 6).
    δ. w. ref. to what follows: w. a relative foll. οὗτος ὅς Lk 5:21. οὗτοί εἰσιν οἵτινες 8:15. οὗτοί εἰσιν οἱ ἐπὶ τὰ πετρώδη σπειρόμενοι, οἳ … these are the ones sowed on the rocky ground, who … Mk 4:16. ταύτην … εἰς ἣν στῆτε 1 Pt 5:12. οὗτοι … ὅπου Mk 4:15 s. ὅπου 1aα.—W. ὅτι foll.: αὕτη ἐστιν ἡ κρίσις ὅτι J 3:19; cp. 1J 1:5; 5:11, 14.—W. ἵνα foll.: αὕτη ἐστὶν ἡ ἐντολὴ ἡ ἐμή, ἵνα J 15:12; cp. 17:3; 1J 3:11, 23; 5:3; 2J 6ab. τοῦτό ἐστι τὸ ἔργον, τὸ θέλημα τοῦ θεοῦ, ἵνα J 6:29, 39f.—W. inf. foll. Js 1:27.—W. ptc. foll. (ApcSed 15:5; Just., D. 2, 1; Mel., P. 68, 486) οὗτος ὁ ἀνοίξας J 11:37. οὗτοί εἰσιν οἱ τὸν λόγον ἀκούσαντες these are the ones who have heard the word Mk 4:18. ἀδελφοί μου οὗτοί εἰσιν οἱ … ἀκούοντες καὶ ποιοῦντες Lk 8:21.—W. subst. foll. αὕτη ἐστὶν ἡ νίκη … ἡ πίστις ἡμῶν 1J 5:4.
    ε. Resuming someth. previously mentioned, w. special emphasis—a subst.: Μωϋσῆν, ὸ̔ν ἠρνήσαντο … τοῦτον ὁ θεὸς … Moses, whom they rejected, … is the very one whom God Ac 7:35 (Ps.-Callisth. 2, 16, 10 Δαρεῖος …, οὗτος). τῶν ἀνδρῶν … ἕνα τούτων of the men … one of these (very men) Ac 1:21f. οὐ τὰ τέκνα τ. σαρκὸς ταῦτα τέκνα τ. θεοῦ Ro 9:8; cp. vs. 6. ἕκαστος ἐν τῇ κλήσει ᾗ ἐκλήθη, ἐν ταύτῃ μενέτω in this (very one) 1 Cor 7:20. Cp. J 10:25; Ac 2:23; 4:10; Ro 7:10; Gal 3:7.—A relative clause: ὸ̔ς ἂν ποιήσῃ καὶ διδάξῃ, οὗτος … Mt 5:19.—Mk 3:35; 6:16; Lk 9:24b, 26; J 3:26; Ro 8:30. διʼ ἧς σαρκὸς … διὰ ταύτης AcPl Ha 2, 15. ὸ̔ …, τοῦτο Ac 3:6; Ro 7:15f, 19f; Gal 6:7. ἃ …, ταῦτα J 8:26; Gal 5:17b; Phil 4:9; 2 Ti 2:2. ὅστις …, οὗτος Mt 18:4. ἅτινα …, ταῦτα Phil 3:7. ὅσοι …, οὗτοι Ro 8:14; Gal 6:12.—A ptc.: ὁ ὑπομείνας, οὗτος σωθήσεται Mt 10:22.—13:20, 22; 24:13; 26:23; Mk 12:40; Lk 9:48; J 6:46; 15:5; Ac 15:38; 1 Cor 6:4.—After εἴ τις Ro 8:9; 1 Cor 3:17; 8:3; Js 1:23; 3:2.—ὅσα ἐστὶν ἀληθῆ, ὅσα σεμνά, ὅσα … (ὅσα six times altogether), εἴ τις ἀρετὴ καὶ εἴ τις ἔπαινος, ταῦτα λογίζεσθε Phil 4:8.—After ἐάν τις J 9:31. After ὅταν Ro 2:14. After καθώς J 8:28.—After the articular inf. εἰ τὸ ζῆν ἐν σαρκί, τοῦτο … Phil 1:22.
    ζ. used w. αὐτός: αὐτὸς οὗτος he himself Ac 25:25. Pl. 24:15, 20. On αὐτὸ τοῦτο 2 Pt 1:5 s. αὐτός 1g and Schwyzer II 211.
    η. As a subject, the demonstr. can take on the gender of its predicate (W-S. §23, 5; Rob. 698): τὸ καλὸν σπέρμα, οὗτοί εἰσιν οἱ υἱοὶ τῆς βασιλείας Mt 13:38. Cp. Lk 8:14f.—Mt 7:12; Lk 2:12; 8:11; 22:53; J 1:19; Ro 11:27 (Is 59:21); 1 Cor 9:3; Gal 4:24.
    In particular, the neut. is used (for the fem. sg. Mk 12:11; Mt 21:42 [both Ps 117:23] s. B-D-F 138, 2)
    α. w. ref. to what precedes: Lk 5:6; J 6:61; Ac 19:17. As the obj. of a verb of saying (Jos., Vi. 291, Ant. 20, 123 al.) Lk 24:40; J 6:6; 7:9; 8:6; 12:33; 18:38 al.—Freq. w. preposition (cp. Johannessohn, Präp. 383 [index]): διὰ τοῦτο cp. διά B 2b. εἰς τοῦτο cp. εἰς 4f. ἐκ τούτου cp. ἐκ 3e (=‘for this reason’ also PRyl 81, 24). ἐν τούτῳ for this reason J 16:30; Ac 24:16; 1 Cor 4:4; 2 Cor 5:2; by this 1J 3:19. ἐπὶ τούτῳ s. ἐπί 18b. μετὰ τοῦτο cp. μετά B 2c. τούτου χάριν (PAmh 130, 6 [I A.D.]; Just., D. 1, 2) Eph 3:14.—The pl. summarizes what precedes: Lk 8:8; 11:27; 24:26; J 5:34; 15:11; 21:24 and oft.—On Midrashic use in Ac, s. EEllis, BRigaux Festschr., ’70, 303–12.
    β. w. ref. to what follows, esp. before clauses that express a statement, purpose, result, or condition, which it introduces: τοῦτο λέγω w. direct discourse foll. this is what I mean Gal 3:17; in ellipsis τοῦτο δέ the point is this 2 Cor 9:6; w. ὅτι foll. 1 Cor 1:12. τοῦτό φημι ὅτι 7:29 v.l.; 15:50. τοῦτο γινώσκειν, ὅτι Lk 10:11; 12:39; Ro 6:6; 2 Ti 3:1; 2 Pt 1:20; 3:3. (Just., D. 110, 1). λογίζῃ τοῦτο, ὅτι …; Ro 2:3; ὁμολογῶ τοῦτο, ὅτι Ac 24:14. εἰδὼς τοῦτο, ὅτι understanding this, that 1 Ti 1:9. τοῦτο ἔχεις, ὅτι Rv 2:6.—W. ἵνα foll.: πόθεν μοι τοῦτο, ἵνα ἔλθῃ ἡ μήτηρ … ; Lk 1:43. Cp. J 6:29, 39.—W. a prep. ἐν τούτῳ, ὅτι Lk 10:20; J 9:30 (v.l. τοῦτο); 1J 3:16, 24; 4:9, 10. περὶ τούτου, ὅτι J 16:19. διὰ τοῦτο, ὅτι for this reason, (namely) that 5:16, 18; 8:47. εἰς τοῦτο, ἵνα J 18:37; Ac 9:21; Ro 14:9; 2 Cor 2:9 al. διὰ τοῦτο, ἵνα 13:10; 1 Ti 1:16; Phlm 15. ἐν τούτῳ, ἵνα J 15:8; 1J 4:17. ἐν τούτῳ ἐάν J 13:35; 1J 2:3. ἐν τούτῳ, ὅταν 5:2.—Before an inf. τοῦτο κέκρικεν …, τηρεῖν τὴν ἑαυτοῦ παρθένον 1 Cor 7:37. Cp. 2 Cor 2:1. Before an inf. w. acc. Eph 4:17. Even introducing a foll. subst.: τοῦτο εὐχόμεθα, τὴν ὑμῶν κατάρτισιν 2 Cor 13:9.—On αὐτὸ τοῦτο cp. αὐτός 1g.
    γ. καὶ τοῦτο and at that, and especially (B-D-F §290, 5; 442, 9; W-S. §21, 4; Rob. 1181f) Ro 13:11; 1 Cor 6:6, 8; Eph 2:8. καὶ ταῦτα (also Pla. et al.; s. Kühner-G. I 647) passing over fr. and at that to although (Jos., Ant. 2, 266) Hb 11:12.
    δ. indicating a correspondence: τοῦτο μὲν … τοῦτο δέ sometimes … sometimes, not only … but also (Att.) Hb 10:33 (Tat. 23, 2).
    ε. τοῦτʼ ἔστιν, τουτέστι(ν) (on the orthography s. B-D-F §12, 3; 17) that is or means (B-D-F §132, 2; Rob. 705. S. also εἰμί 2cα) Mt 27:46; Mk 7:2; Ac 1:19; 19:4; Ro 7:18; 9:8; 10:6, 7, 8; Phlm 12. Hb 2:14 al. Cp. Ro 1:12 (w. δέ).
    ζ. An unfavorable connotation (this tone is noticed by Ps.-Demetr. c. 289 in the Κρατερὸν τοῦτον [in Demetrius of Phalerum]) is assumed (after GBernhardy, Wissenschaftl. Syntax der griech. Sprache 1829, 281, by Heinrici; JWeiss; EFascher, V. Verstehen d. NT 1930, 126 al. ad loc.; differently W-S. §23, 9; cp. Rob. 704) καὶ ταῦτά τινες ἦτε and that is the sort of people you were, at least some of you 1 Cor 6:11.
    as adj., pert. to an entity perceived as present or near in the discourse, this
    coming before a subst. (or subst. expr.) with the article (B-D-F §292; W-S. §23, 10; Rob. 700f) ἐν τούτῳ τῷ αἰῶνι Mt 12:32. Cp. 16:18; 20:12; Mk 9:29; Lk 7:44; J 4:15; Ac 1:11; Ro 11:24; 1 Ti 1:18; Hb 7:1; 1J 4:21; Rv 19:9; 20:14 al. W. a touch of contempt Lk 18:11; cp. 14:30; 15:30 (s. also 1aα).
    following the subst. that has the art.: ἐκ τῶν λίθων τούτων Mt 3:9. Cp. 5:19; Mk 12:16; Lk 11:31; 12:56; J 4:13, 21; Ac 6:13; Ro 15:28; 1 Cor 1:20; 2:6; 11:26; 2 Cor 4:1, 7; 8:6; 11:10; Eph 3:8; 5:32; 2 Ti 2:19; Rv 2:24. (Freq. the position of οὗτος varies, somet. before, somet. after the noun, in mss.; s. the apparatus in Tdf. on the following vv.ll.: Mk 14:30; J 4:20; 6:60; 7:36; 9:24; 21:23 al.) Somet. another adj. stands w. the noun ἀπὸ τῆς γενεᾶς τῆς σκολιᾶς ταύτης Ac 2:40. ἡ χήρα αὕτη ἡ πτωχή Lk 21:3. Cp. πάντα τὰ ῥήματα ταῦτα 2:19, 51 v.l.
    The art. is sometimes lacking: μάθημα τοῦτʼ αὐτοῖς ἐστιν εὑρημένον Dg 5:3. In such case there is no real connection betw. the demonstrative and the noun, but the one or the other belongs to the predicate (B-D-F §292; W-S. §23, 12; Rob. 701f) ταύτην ἐποίησεν ἀρχὴν τῶν σημείων J 2:11 (s. 4:54 below). τοῦτο ἀληθὲς εἴρηκας 4:18.—So esp. in combination w. numerical statement; the noun without the art. is to be taken as part of the predicate: οὗτος μὴν ἕκτος ἐστίν this is the sixth month Lk 1:36. αὕτη ἀπογραφὴ πρώτη ἐγένετο this was the first census 2:2. τοῦτο πάλιν δεύτερον σημεῖον ἐποίησεν J 4:54 (s. 2:11 above). τρίτην ταύτην ἡμέραν this is the third day (s. ἄγω 4) Lk 24:21 (Achilles Tat. 7, 11, 2 τρίτην ταύτην ἡμέραν γέγονεν ἀφανής; Menand., Epitr. 244f S.=68f Kö.; Lucian, Dial. Mort. 13, 3). τοῦτο τρίτον ἐφανερώθη this was the third time that he appeared J 21:14. τρίτον τοῦτο ἔρχομαι this will be the third time that I am coming 2 Cor 13:1; cp. 12:14 (cp. Hdt. 5, 76 τέταρτον δὴ τοῦτο; Gen 27:36 δεύτερον τοῦτο.—Num 14:22; Judg 16:15).—More intricate: οὐ μετὰ πολλὰς ταύτας ἡμέρας not many days from now Ac 1:5 (Alciphron 1, 14, 2; Achilles Tat. 7, 14, 2 ὡς ὀλίγων πρὸ τούτων ἡμερῶν; POxy 1121, 12 [295 A.D.]; B-D-F §226; Rob. 702). Most difficult of all περὶ μιᾶς ταύτης φωνῆς Ac 24:21 (cp. POxy 1152, 5 βοήθι ἡμῖν καὶ τούτῳ οἴκῳ. B-D-F §292; W-S. §20, 10c; Rob. 702 ins).—DELG. M-M.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > οὗτος

См. также в других словарях:

  • φτωχός — ή, ό / πτωχός, ή, όν, ΝΜΑ, θηλ. και ός Α 1. αυτός που στερείται τα απαραίτητα για τη ζωή, που ζει στη φτώχεια 2. αυτός που έχει ανεπαρκείς πόρους ζωής, πενιχρά οικονομικά μέσα (α. «έγινε έρανος για τους φτωχούς» β. «καὶ πολλοὶ πλούσιοι ἔβαλλον… …   Dictionary of Greek

  • Leptón griego — Moneda de cinco leptones (o leptá) de dracma de 1869. Leptón o leptó (griego antiguo y kazarévusa …   Wikipedia Español

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